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Source Protection Committee
The Essex Region Source Protection Committee consists of 15 members plus a Chair and is comprised of representatives from sectors that encompass the broad, multi-sectoral interests of our region. The staff at the Essex Region Source Protection Authority carry out the technical requirements of the Clean Water Act. The Essex Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors is designated as the Source Protection Authority in the Essex Region.
Fill out this Expression of Interest Form if you are interested in participating in the Essex Region SPC. The Essex Region SPC abides by an approved Code of Conduct, which also outlines the Rules of Procedure and conflict of interest policies.
As outlined in the Clean Water Act, 2006, under Ontario Regulation 288/07, the Essex Region Source Protection Committee has been created to develop a Source Protection Plan to protect municipal sources of drinking water in the Essex Region Source Protection Area. The Essex Region Source Protection Committee consists of 15 members plus a Chair and is comprised of representatives from sectors that encompass the broad, multi-sector interests of our region. The Essex Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors is designated as the Source Protection Authority in the Essex Region. Source Protection Committee members are appointed by the Source Protection Authority. As per Section 2 of O. Reg 288/07, the Source Protection Committee is composed as follows:
1/3 of the members must reflect the interests of the local municipalities.
1/3 of the members must reflect the interests of the local economy including agriculture, commerce, industry, and small business.
1/3 of the members must reflect other interests including environmental, health and other public interests.
Members in our municipal Sector representatives are recommended by municipalities. Our Committee has two representatives from the City of Windsor, one representative from Amherstburg, one representative from Lakeshore, and one representative from Union System Water Supply (representing Kingsville, Leamington, Lakeshore and Essex). Members in our economic sector represent local economic interests, including a minimum of two agricultural representatives and one representative from the greenhouse sector. Members in our other interest sector include community members with diverse backgrounds and interests. All members must reside, own property, rent property, be employed or operate a business in the Essex Region Source Protection Area. The Source Protection Committee also includes liaisons from the Source Protection Authority, the Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Chair: Tom Fuerth
Antionetta Giofu
Jason Barlow
Kirk Walstedt
Kevin Webb
Frank Girardo
John Barnett
Matthew Merrett
Chad Quinlan
Chris Snip
Ron Barrette
Jim Drummond
Bill Dukes
Tim Mousseau
Cynthia Ouellet
Steve Simpson Sr.
Mel Thomas
Committee Members
Source Protection Committee (SPC) Meetings, Meeting Minutes, and Reports
Committee meetings are open to the public, and delegations to any Committee meeting will be considered, if requested in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, or if otherwise approved by the Source Protection Committee Chairman. Such written request must state the purpose of the delegation.
Delegations to any meeting of the Committee will be limited to one key spokesperson and will be allotted a maximum of five (5) minutes for their related presentation, with the Chairman’s discretion to allow ten (10) minutes.
All available agendas and minutes are posted below in an accessible format. Documents created prior to 2021, are available in an accessible format upon request. Click here for a list of reports for meetings held between 2009 and 2021.
- DateTitleAgendaMinutes13/11/2024SPC MeetingDownload12/06/2024SPC MeetingDownloadDownload13/03/2024SPC MeetingDownloadDownload14/02/2024SPC MeetingDownloadDownload13/12/2023SPC MeetingDownloadDownload13/09/2023SPC MeetingDownloadDownload08/03/2023SPC MeetingDownloadDownload08/02/2023SPC MeetingDownloadDownload09/11/2022SPC MeetingDownloadDownload08/06/2022SPC MeetingDownloadDownload09/03/2022SPC MeetingDownloadDownload09/02/2022SPC MeetingDownloadDownload08/12/2021SPC MeetingDownloadDownload13/10/2021SPC MeetingDownload10/03/2021SPC MeetingDownload10/02/2021SPC MeetingDownload14/10/2020SPC MeetingDownload11/03/2020SPC MeetingDownload08/01/2020SPC MeetingDownload09/10/2019SPC MeetingDownload10/04/2019SPC MeetingDownload27/02/2019SPC MeetingDownload10/10/2018SPC MeetingDownload08/08/2018SPC MeetingDownload11/04/2018SPC MeetingDownload14/02/2018SPC MeetingDownload10/01/2018SPC MeetingDownload15/02/2017SPC MeetingDownload14/12/2016SPC MeetingDownload09/03/2016SPC MeetingDownload23/09/2015SPC MeetingDownload21/01/2015SPC MeetingDownload