About ERCA
The Essex Region Conservation Authority is empowered through provincial legislation to further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources other than gas, oil, coal and minerals. ERCA was created in 1973 as one of the last Conservation Authorities in Ontario to work toward managing natural hazards and conservation issues.
Located at the tip of Southern Ontario, ERCA has jurisdiction in nine municipalities. These include the City of Windsor, Township of Pelee and the seven municipalities in Essex County . Nineteen representatives from these communities make up our Board of Directors. ERCA’s three main watersheds include Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River, and Lake Erie. Its area of jurisdiction measures 1,681 square kilometres, and more than 4,200 acres of natural lands are managed to ensure their long-term conservation. To provide effective services and programs, ERCA works collaboratively with member municipalities, federal and provincial ministries and other organizations.
ERCA, like all Conservation Authorities, is uniquely organized on a watershed basis. A watershed is the area of land that drains to a river, creek or lake. We all live in and are connected by watersheds, and to protect water quality and use water wisely, we must understand this ecological neighbourhood. Because we cross municipal boundaries, all environmental decisions can be assessed on the basis of their impact on the entire watershed. Our projects and programs are guided by the 2016-2025 Strategic Plan.
Our Mission
Improving our environment to enrich our lives.
The Essex Region is a sustainable, resilient and vibrant place with healthy and thriving watersheds, Great Lakes and a green culture.
Our Vision
We acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of the Caldwell First Nation, members of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Ojibwe, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi Peoples.
We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial.
Land Acknowledgement

Board of Directors, Board meetings, and Financial Information
Information on ERCA's Board of Directors, Board Meetings, and financial information can be found on our Governance page.
Dropping off complete applications for permit
Payment for ERCA services (i.e. applications for permits, seasonal passes, camping, etc.)
Making an appointment for meetings with ERCA staff
Directing inquiries to the appropriate ERCA staff members
Counter Service will include:
The Essex Region Conservation Authority is pleased to resume counter service
on Tuesdays – Thursdays from 8:30am – 4:00pm.
Customers wishing to speak to a technical staff person must continue to make an appointment to ensure staff availability. Appointments and general inquiries related to development can be made by contacting regs@erca.org. All other inquiries can be sent to admin@erca.org.
Applications for permit via essexregionconservation.ca/development-services
Applications for permit via email at regs@erca.org
Seasonal passes, event registration, and cottage reservations
Please note that online services continue to be available. These services generally included, but are not necessarily limited to:
Get In Touch
For Permitting Requests
Media & Communications
Danielle Breault-Stuebing, Director of Communications
519-776-5209 x352